In order to effectively implement the Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan has adopted the Resolution dated November 2, 2015, No. 643 “On Measures to Implement the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol on Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS), on which a lot of work is carried out every year. The data on ODS are collected annually in accordance with the requirements of the Convention and the national P-1 report is submitted to the Secretariat of the Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer in accordance with Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol on use of ODS. This year, the report was also submitted to the Convention Secretariat on time.
This year the second phase of the Project “Complete rejection of the use of hydrochlorofluorocarbons in Tajikistan through the introduction of new technologies” proposed by the United Nations Development Program in Tajikistan has begun under the support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF).The project implementation partners are the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Employment of the Population, state bodies, the Committee for Environmental Protection, the Customs Service, the Statistical Agency, Tajikstandart, public organizations and private enterprises.
The aim of the proposed Project is moving away from hydrochlorofluorocarbons and fulfill the obligations of the Republic of Tajikistan until 2020, promote the implementation of national legislation on the control of import / export and use of hydrochlorofluorocarbons and other ozone-depleting substances, modernize vessels for storing spoiled refrigerated mixtures, improve customs resources in the field of control over import / export and piloting of new modern technologies in the refrigeration equipment sector and strengthening the resource in the service sector.