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"It is necessary that we take a serious attitude to environmental
protection, flora and fauna, the environmental situation, and to this
end we have achieved a revision of the approach to improving
legislation in this area."
Emomali Rahmon
Do not allow burning of leaves!

Do not allow burning of leaves!       



It is strictly forbidden to burn garbage and leaves of trees on the streets and avenues, squares, parks of culture and recreation and other public places. The autumn season, along with being the golden season, also causes problems, which the utility companies often get rid of with only one "method" - burning the leaves of garbage in the streets.

According to environmentalists' analysis, allowing waste to be incinerated causes outbreaks of respiratory diseases and inconveniences to citizens. It must be remembered that the simplest methods of destruction are to collect leaves and vines in favorable places and turn them into compost in accordance with the purpose. Of course, the targeted use of this method, on the one hand, prevents the burning of leaves and grass, and on the other hand, the use of compost as a fertilizer for floriculture, greenery, and trees.

In accordance with the requirements of Article 231 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Tajikistan, non-compliance with the requirements for the protection of atmospheric air when burning various wastes is imposed with a fine, for individuals in the amount of one to three calculation indicators (from 64 to 192 somoni); - officials from thirty to forty (from 1920 to 2560 somoni); - legal entities from one hundred to two hundred (from 6400 to 12800 somoni) indicators for calculations.

Collect dried leaves and grass, weeds, prepare fertilizer useful for agricultural land by burying them, and thereby get rid of them and protect yourself and others from the harmful effects of toxic waste on the atmosphere.
