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"It is necessary that we take a serious attitude to environmental
protection, flora and fauna, the environmental situation, and to this
end we have achieved a revision of the approach to improving
legislation in this area."
Emomali Rahmon
Celebration of the Day of the National Flag of the Republic of Tajikistan in the city of Khujand

Celebration of the Day of the National Flag of the Republic of Tajikistan in the city of Khujand

In order to celebrate the National Flag Day at a high level, the Committee on Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Main Department of Environmental Protection of Sughd region held an event with the participation of students and teachers of secondary school No. 23 named after Abulqosim Firdavsi in Khujand.

During the event, an employee of the Environmental Protection Department of the city of Khujand told about the history of the Flag and its symbols. This information helps to increase the sense of patriotism and pride among students of our independent republic.

In the literary part of the event, readers read poems and songs about the sanctity of the Motherland and its honor, as part of the celebration of Tajikistan's independence.
