Маркази ахбори экологӣ | khmz
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"It is necessary that we take a serious attitude to environmental
protection, flora and fauna, the environmental situation, and to this
end we have achieved a revision of the approach to improving
legislation in this area."
Emomali Rahmon


| 620 Вақти хониш:
On behalf of the executive authorities of the city of Dushanbe, in order to eliminate stray garbage...

Surveillance cameras are installed in vulnerable places                      


On behalf of the executive authorities of the city of Dushanbe, in order to eliminate stray garbage, prevent the placement of waste in undetermined places, as well as for the purpose of constant monitoring of vulnerable territories, the Main Department of Environmental Protection of the City of Dushanbe installed video surveillance cameras at 6 observation points.

The purpose of installing video surveillance cameras is round-the-clock monitoring of vulnerable territories, such a measure will improve the environmental situation in the districts and prevent violations in this area.

Experience has shown that the only way to prevent violations of legislation in this area is to install surveillance cameras and strengthen round–the-clock surveillance in vulnerable areas. Because with the installation of modern technology, monitoring and use of observation records, it is possible to take immediate measures against violators of environmental protection.

The Department of Environmental Protection in the city of Dushanbe, in order to prevent violations in this direction and for constant monitoring of cities and districts, decided to install surveillance cameras around the clock and monitor the ecological condition of these sites in other vulnerable areas.