Carrying out environmental actions in the Rudaki region
The department of environmental protection in the Rudaki district, in order to keep the environment clean, increase the level of ecological culture of the population, in the jamoats of Sarikishti, Chorgulteppa and Guliston of the district held the campaigns "Cleanliness of the area", "Cleanliness of the coast" and "Cleanliness of the road" with the participation of employees of the security departments environment and chairmen of local councils.
A lot of work has been done during the campaign to improve the sanitary-ecological state of the region. With the involvement of 236 local residents, 3230 m of the road was cleared of dried wild grass, plastic, polyethylene and household waste.
At the same time, 120 meters along the canal and pedestrian and transport roads were cleared on the bank of the Kuktoshi canal in the area. 18.5 cubic meters of garbage were taken to the regional landfill.