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"It is necessary that we take a serious attitude to environmental
protection, flora and fauna, the environmental situation, and to this
end we have achieved a revision of the approach to improving
legislation in this area."
Emomali Rahmon


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On December 7, 2022, under the chairmanship of Rosemary Patterson from New Zealand, the work of the first working...

Plenary session of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity                                 

On December 7, 2022, under the chairmanship of Rosemary Patterson from New Zealand, the work of the first working group was opened to discuss the issues on the agenda of the UN Convention on Biodiversity.

As part of the agenda, issues of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, resource mobilization, cooperation, knowledge management, national reporting and cooperation with other conventions and international organizations were considered.

Based on the results of the negotiations, contact groups were created, where countries will separately consider each of the agenda items and prepare the relevant decisions of the convention for approval by the parties to the convention.

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