Маркази ахбори экологӣ | khmz
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"It is necessary that we take a serious attitude to environmental
protection, flora and fauna, the environmental situation, and to this
end we have achieved a revision of the approach to improving
legislation in this area."
Emomali Rahmon


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New Year 2022 will come soon, and we will...

Congratulations of the Chairman of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Mr. Sheralizoda Bahodur Ahmadjon on the occasion of the New Year 2022

New Year 2022 will come soon, and we will greet it with hearts full of hope and good wishes, as the next creative and creative year of our beloved Motherland. Celebration of the great public holiday of the 30th Anniversary of State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan certainly gave a new impetus to the growth of patriotism, the self-consciousness of the people, strengthening peace and stability, national unity, and expansion of creative activities in our independent Tajikistan, opened new pages in the history of our statehood.

We are confident that in the New Year 2022 the joy, lasting peace, and stability of Tajikistan will increase and the employees of the environmental protection bodies will achieve new achievements in the development and prosperity of our city and village, the implementation of the creative policy of the Founder of Peace and national unity - the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan respected Emomali Rahmon.

May the new year be a happy one for each of your families, and may new successes and achievements be achieved for the environment protection sector, and for each family of our Motherland.

Health, happiness, good luck and prosperity to your families, dear colleagues!