The GCF Readiness and Support Project Green, Resilient Recovery in Energy and Agriculture sectors in Tajikistan will contribute to green recovery in two priority climate change sectors, which are also of key importance to rural communities and livelihoods, i.e. energy and agriculture. The project is implemented by Committee for Environmental protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (CoEP).
The project has three objectives:
1. Development of the two National strategies/programs on green resilient recovery in agriculture and energy sectors with a focus on opportunities for the most vulnerable rural communities. The strategies will complement the currently elaborated NAP and will highlight measures to restore the adaptive capacities following the pandemic and propose the recovery measures through the utilization of green and climate-smart technologies in both sectors. Carbon credit market and subsidy schemes at the national level will be considered as recovery measures for supporting energy efficiency schemes and adaptation in agriculture in rural areas.
2. Develop recommendations and market models for the creation of carbon trading as part of green recovery measures in the energy and agriculture sectors.
3. Pipeline development to support the implementation of NCCAS and enhance adaptive capacities and recovery following the pandemic, including the development of two Green Climate Fund Concept Notes (in the agriculture and energy sectors) that will target rural communities and assist with the development of low-carbon and climate-resilient technologies.
Projects' main beneficiaries are families and farmers living in rural areas, other beneficiaries include private companies in the energy sector, etc.
1) International consultant on climate change expert – 1 (20 days)
The International consultant will perform the following concrete tasks:
· Specification of involved variables for diagnostic test: Diagnostic analysis report on impacts and opportunities building on preliminary assumptions that the climate change and the COVID19 economic, socio-economic development impact on vulnerable sectors (agriculture, and energy sectors) with a focus on rural livelihood. Verification of the selected area for the potential GCF project
· Report the result of the desk research; Deliverable Two assessment reports on impacts of COVID-19 on (1) energy and
(2) Agriculture sectors and implications for rural communities
· Working on report, discussion with stakeholders; Deliverable Report on the outcomes of two rounds stakeholder consultations, with list of participants
· Bringing out the analysis to determine opportunities for GCF policy and recovery measures with more detailed focus on energy and agriculture sectors (including specific technology, financial and capacity building measures).
· Working on reports for deliverable; Two reports on investment gaps and opportunities for enhancing the recovery responses to improve resilience with a positive social and gender impact; and enhance the integration of green and low-carbon technologies of (1) agriculture and (2) energy sectors
· Supervision, in close cooperation with the international expert Economist, of Local Consultant for supporting activities for derivable,, and
· Supervision, in close cooperation with the international expert Economist, of data collection and data processing for derivable and
· Suggestion of specific measures regards the analysis output and discussion and workshop with local stakeholders; Deliverable Report(s) of consultation workshops and list(s) of participants demonstrating a balance of stakeholders, which includes women, civil society and private sector participants. Tentative Action Plan
· Developing a proposal for National strategy for green resilient recovery targeting energy and agriculture sectors; Deliverable Two policy documents targeting green resilient recovery in energy and agriculture sectors will be developed and endorsed
· A close cooperation with other international experts.
Personnel concept – required expert’s qualification
- Education/training: University qualification (Masters’) in a university degree in Economics and / or Nature Science
- Language: Good business language skills in English and Russian
- Specific professional experience: Experience in strategic framework development and stakeholders ‘consultation process in the frame of the climate change and Paris Agreement process.
- Experience with participation on UN projects
- Experience with participation on projects in Tajikistan
· Responsible for the final Output 2.4.1 with an experience in carbon markets in agriculture and energy sectors. Specification of involved variables for diagnostic test, use an appropriate diagnostic test (ADF, Z-E, ARDL tests are considered);
· Deliverable 2.4.1.: Diagnostic analysis report on impacts and opportunities building on preliminary assumptions that the climate change and the COVID19 economic, socio-economic development impact on vulnerable sectors (agriculture, and energy sectors) with a focus on rural livelihood. Verification of the selected area for the potential GCF project.
· Responsible for the analysis and the development of recommendations on institutional arrangements with experiences in carbon markets
· Report the result of the desk research; Deliverable 2.4.1.: Two assessment reports on impacts of COVID-19 on (1) energy and
(2) Agriculture sectors and implications for rural communities
· Working on report, discussion with stakeholders; Deliverable 2.4.1.: Report on the outcomes of two rounds stakeholder consultations, with list of participants.
· Responsible for the support of the international consultant, communication with national and subnational stakeholders
· Bringing out the analysis to determine opportunities for GCF policy and recovery measures with more detailed focus on energy and agriculture sectors (including specific technology, financial and capacity building measures).
· Working on reports for deliverable 2.4.1; Two reports on investment gaps and opportunities for enhancing the recovery responses to improve resilience with a positive social and gender impact; and enhance the integration of green and low-carbon technologies of (1) agriculture and (2) energy sectors
· Supervision of Local Consultant for supporting activities for derivables 2.4.1 and 4.1.1
· Supervision of data collection and data processing for derivable 2.4.1 and 4.1.1
· Suggestion of specific measures regards the analysis output and discussion and workshop with local stakeholders; Deliverable 4.1.1.: Report(s) of consultation workshops and list(s) of participants demonstrating a balance of stakeholders, which includes women, civil society and private sector participants. Tenative Action Plan
· Developing a proposal for National strategy for green resilient recovery targeting energy and agriculture sectors; Deliverable 4.1.1 Two policy documents targeting green resilient recovery in energy and agriculture sectors will be developed and endorsed Experts’ ToRs development.
· Supervision and finalization of the project reports and implementing the suggested measures into the concept note for derivables 4.1.1 (D9), 4.1.1 (D10), and 4.1.1. (D11).; Deliverable 4.1.1: Climate finance investment gaps report for agriculture sector which will also include a Systemic review of the existing investments in the energy sector, including desk research and interviews with other donors and both public and private funders who are active in the sector.; Deliverable 4.1.1.: Climate finance investment gaps report for energy sector, including an estimation of necessary private sector investment.; Deliverable 4.1.1: Two pre-feasibility study reports for each of the project idea, including an estimation of necessary private sector investment
· Implementation the results to two draft concept notes matched to AEs; Deliverable 4.1.1.(D12)
· Participation on validation workshop; Deliverable 4.1.1.(D13): Validation workshop report; and two completed Concept Notes
Personnel concept – required expert’s qualification
- Education/training: University qualification (Masters’) in a university degree in Economics and / or Nature Science
- Language: Good business language skills in English and Russian
- Specific professional experience: Experience in strategic framework development and stakeholders ‘consultation process in the frame of the climate change and Paris Agreement process.
- Experience with participation on UN projects
- Experience with participation on projects in Tajikistan
Interested specialists must submit CV a cover letter with indication of the position name to the address below (by e-mail) by January_06, 2023 (16:00 Dushanbe time)
Email: to muhibullojunaidov@gmail.com